CS 373 SWE Spring 2020 Abdul-Ghaffar Balogun

Abdul-Ghaffar Balogun
2 min readSep 27, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week was a little rough because I have a test coming up for Algorithms on Wednesday and the Project is coming up on its deadline. I was working to balance both of these obligations, and in all honesty, it’s hard to so while being at home. Beyond studying for my exam, I met up with my team to work on the project. We spent a good amount of time familiarizing ourselves with the process so we have a better understanding of what is expected of us.

What’s in your way?

It’s hard to focus for me, especially with a lot of distractions. I have been wasting a lot of my time, and it has been getting in the way of my progress towards studying. Also, I am not familiar with the tools, so it hard for me to truly understand the requirements as well as make some meaningful progress. However, I am learning, so hopefully, things will get easier with time.

What will you do next week?

I will prepare more for my exam as well as get better acquainted with the web development tools. Also, my group and I were planning on meeting together next week to make sure we are on track with our work and also for us to offer a space to speak on any concerns.

What was your experience of types, object models, and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)

It was interesting. I liked how Professor Downing drew similarities and differences between Java and Python to make it easier for us to understand. It will be a little difficult getting used to the Python syntax, but I am starting to like it! It grants the programmer much more freedom in my opinion concerning how everything is an object and the types seem sparse. I am loving this introduction to Python, I find it very useful.

What made you happy this week?

Nothing too special happened this week, but I enjoyed being with my family and spending some quality time with them! I am loving the laughs, the talks, and the memories we’re making together.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Communicate well with your group members. Your ability to communicate with your group members with gauge how well you will perform in completing this project. Make sure you set a time to meet with each other and ensure you split the work between you all well.

I would also recommend finding a reliable communication platform that is consistent and best for you to stay on top of your tasks or group members’ needs.

